Mar 02 Views (364)

Final Fantasy XIV Pass In Version 4.25

Hardly the game passed in version 4.2 last January, Final Fantasy XIV will soon see the arrival of the 4.25, which will mark the beginning of the assault on the mysterious Eureka land.


We talked about it here, the update 4.25 of Final Fantasy XIV will allow to discover the continuation of the saga of the detective gentleman, but also to explore Eureka Anemos, where the players will not gain point of experiences but elementary points . This exploration area with up to 144 players is actually an island not on any map, where a team of explorers sent to the spot has found the presence of creatures become hostile because of the elements, completely disordered for a reason unknown. It will of course be necessary to elucidate this mystery, with as a reward weapons and armor specific to this area. All will arrive on the game servers on March 13 next. Waiting for this date, remember that the Little Ladies' Day, a seasonal event, is in full swing right now.



Final Fantasy XIV and its Stormblood extension are available on PC, PS4 and Mac. The in-game currency is available at the professional online gaming house. The interested gamers can buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.