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Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood Patch 4.25 Will Be Released In Middle March

In the next day, March 13, Square Enix will release the second installment of Patch 4.2 for Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood. Update 4.25 has two highlights in store: The Forbidden Land Eureka Anemos, a new challenge for explorers and treasure hunters, and the continuation of Hildibran's Falls. Of course, more information is waiting for you in the message.



Patch 4.2 for Final Fantasy 14 (buy now for 7.90 €), Rise of a New Sun, was released in late January and featured new dungeons, exams, raid challenges, Wild Tribe orders and, of course, a continuation of the main scenario. However, not all features had been added to the update at the time, two new features were announced for Patch 4.25: the Forbidden Land Eureka Anemos, a new challenge for explorers and treasure hunters, and the continuation of Hildibran's cases.


On the official site, Square Enix has now announced that the patch will be released on March 13th. There were also some new details about the two novelties. About the Forbidden Land, the developers write:


"Beyond the Far East lies the expansive Glass Ocean, where a previously unknown island was recently discovered, and brave explorers begin exploring and exploiting the enigmatic island, which is bursting with elemental energy, but not just riches. but also unforeseen dangers... "


Hildibrand's next case, on the other hand, is presented with the following words:


"Kugane is in high turmoil as a thief named Wolf Burglar is out for the overplayed upper class and fortunately Nashu, the" world-renowned criminologist "and assistant to Hildibrand, is already on his furry heels Artwork that can not be surpassed in nobility! "


Are you looking forward to the patch? More news can be found on our FF14 topic page. The in-game currency is available at the professional online gaming house. The interested gamers can buy FFXIV Gil from those professional online gaming houses in the most affordable cost.